We dare not think who has brought the arrival of snow this Monday, March 8 in Barcelona ... the last blizzard dates back to 15 years ago!

Yes, it snowed in Barcelona this Monday. And not just a few flakes or hail but 30 cm of snow that paralyzed Barcelona and the whole province.

Snow has blocked all traffic, the bus network and caused power outages all over Catalonia. Some inhabitants had to sleep in a gas station since snow had blocked the road.
And of course people are not used to see snow in their town. Maybe this is the only snow storm they could experience in their life. So they took the advantage of this chance: making a snowman, tobogganing race improvised on major roads, battle of snowball and so on.

If you are interested in visiting Barcelona in the white colour, it is the right time!!

If you are interested in visiting Barcelona in the white colour, it is the right time!!
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