Yesterday, July 26th, was held in Barcelona, the inauguration of the 20th European Championships of athletism. The championship which really started today until next sunday takes place at the same location as the 1992 Olympics Games.
Visitors saw a water show of dance and acrobatics in the Magic Fountain of Montjuic with the under a beautitiful full moon in the Olympic Stadium.
During 70 minutes, a spectacle staged by Hansel Cereza, a founding member of "La Fura dels Baus, the group that designed the Olympic ceremonies, entertained thousands of spectators and reached a moment of great beauty.
The water was the main reason for the ceremony. The director mixed it with dance and sports with music by Nacho Cano, former member of Mecano, and Salvador Niebla, author of the music used in the Spanish synchronized swimming team.
Then we could see a parade ofrepresentatives of the 50 countries participating in the championship, with sounds of the anthem of Europe. Chema Martinez, candidate for the Marathon medal, was the flagship of a Spanish team of 88 athletes.
The Organizing Committee Chairman, José María Odriozola, said that chamionnats held in Barcelona is a good opportunity for the Catalans to enjoy the beauty of the sport in the Montjuic stadium or on the street.
President Montilla closed the ceremony, announced opened oficially the european championships. On sunday the championship will end with a concert of the famous group of Catalan rumba, Troba Kung Fu, in the Avenida Maria Cristina.
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